Access to our Club banners can be made by clicking onto the banner table at the side.
All of these Rotary Club banners were put together by Mrs Nancy Cook wife of a Past President of the Club Gordon Cook(1990-91). Pictures By Rotarian John Murphy

East Kilbride Rotary Club
Kowloon (Hong Kong), Russellville (Kentucky USA), Kingston (Jamaica), Redwood (Minnesota USA0, Athinia (Greece),Beyrouth (Japan), Barrhead (Scotland), Weybridge & Byfleet (England), Preston (England), Windsor (England) Sarasota (Florida USA), Ploughkeepsie (New York USA), Tully Rotary (Austrailia), Leamington (Canada), Hong Kong (Hong Kong), Old Pueblo (Arizona USA), Thame, Stokes Valley (New Zealand), Kyoto (Japan), East Naussau, (Bahamas), West Naussau (Bahamas)